Sunday, May 31, 2020

Week 9 Learning Update

Hello students and families!

Thanks for your continued support with the online assignments and Google Meets. It is nice to be able to see everyone on Thursdays at the Meets and get to a chance to chat. I am attaching the next week’s learning plan.


Thanks again and take care!



Miss Huynh



Words of the Week

Here are the new 5 words of the week!

1.      Alberta

2.      Calgary

3.      learn

4.      try

5.      important

Please use the word and or because in 2 of the sentences.


Read the book I assigned

Answer these questions in full sentences:

Is there a character? If yes, who is the character? What are they like?
Is there a problem? What is the problem?

How does the problem get solved?

Do you like the story? Why or why not?

Raz Kids

Read and record any book that you like on Raz-Kids.

If you have books at home you can record yourself reading one and upload them to the assignment!

Weekend Sharing

On the new FlipGrid tell me what you did on the weekend.

Remember to tell me what you did, who you did it with, and how you felt



Addition and Subtraction Practice

Notice the equation symbols!

+ means add and – means subtract

Remember to use the counting up strategy for addition

For subtraction remember to use counting up and counting back




Watch the Miss Huynh video

Write 3 facts that you learned about the book in your own printing and upload it. Try to sound out your words by yourself

Write 1 question that you still have about sloths

Watch the video on how to draw a cartoon sloth:



Mindfulness Scavenger Hunt

Go around your home and take pictures to answer the questions.

If you cannot take pictures then draw and record them and then upload them to the assignment.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Week 8 Learning Plan

Hi families!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy at home. I hope the kids are also get some fresh air this week and get to play outside (in a safe way!)

Here is the Learning Plan for next week. 




Read the book I assigned

Answer these questions in full sentences:

Is there a character? If yes, who is the character? What are they like?
Is there a problem? What is the problem?

How does the problem get solved?

Do you like the story? Tell me why or why not.

Words of the Week Sentences

Here are the 8 new words of the week:

1.      what

2.      where

3.      more

4.      with

5.      tomorrow

6.      friend

7.      month

8.      year

Remember to try and use the word ‘and’ 2 times and ‘because’ 3 times to make our sentences more detailed and interesting

Raz Kids – Running Record

Do the Assessment passage under the Flight Check tab

Animal Story

Write a story where the character is the animal from your research project

What is the setting?

What is the problem?

How does the problem get solved?

What happens at the end?



Addition Practice

Watch the video:

Finish the questions using the counting up strategy and if you need help use the number line. In the comment box if you liked using the number line

Repeating Patterns

Make a repeating pattern on Google Slides



Sloth Inquiry

Watch the Miss Huynh video

Film yourself asking 2 questions that you have about the animal in the video on FlipGrid 

Living Things Review

Fill out the form to show what you remember about living things


New games under the Games tab to explore conservation and recycling, addition and equality, and storytelling

Have a lovely week. If you need any help with anything than please email me and I will do the best that I can to help.

Take care.

Miss Huynh

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Learning Plan May 18

Hi families!
I hope you have a great Victoria Day! Please feel free to complete these activities at your leisure.

Take care! 




Read and write about 1 book in the Assignments tab.

Look at the rubric to see how you will be marked

Raz Kids

Read and record 1 book that was assigned

Words of the Week Sentences

Write sentences for the 10 words

People, holiday, summer, new get, beach, picnic, exercise, toy, plane

Detailed instructions are listed in the Assignment

Story Time with Miss Huynh

Listen to the video of Miss Huynh reading the book

Write 4 sentences about what you heard



Nonstandard Measurement

Practice using non-standard measurement and use your hand to measure things. More detailed instructions are in the assignment.


Take a picture or draw and label all of the things that you measure



Lifecycle of a Plant

Watch the 2 videos about plant life cycles.

Write 5 things that you learned from this video in FULL sentences.

Draw and label the lifecycle of a plant.

Animal Research Project

1 animal has been assigned to you, read the information resources provided in the assignment

Write 8 or more sentences about what you learned about the animal

Share your knowledge on FlipGrid using your email address

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 11-May 17 Learning Plan

Dear Students and Families,


I wanted to thank you for your help and continued flexible support! I hope you have a great day and Mother's Day!


Here is the learning plan for the next week.


Also, I am always available to discuss your child’s learning or help you! Please reach out if you need anything.


Take care.


Miss Huynh




Story about a Plant

Write a story about the picture in the plant

Words of the Week Sentences

Write sentences for each of these words:

very, birthday, family, ate, lunch

Challenge: try to make 5 words in the ‘ay’ family

Email to Miss Huynh

Tell me what your favourite part of the online learning is so far.

(3 ideas)

Tell me 1 thing you think is tricky about the online classroom

Raz Kids

Read and record 1 book that I assigned


Read and write about the 1 book I assigned




(Non-standard measurement)

Watch this video on non-standard measurement:

Find 5 things in your house that are:
Larger than your shoe
Smaller than your hand
Draw and write what you find down using your letter sounds

Subtraction Superstar Practice

Practice counting up or the counting back strategy to solve problems



How Animals Use Plants

Watch Miss Huynh’s video

Draw the 3 ways animals use plants

Write ONE sentence about how plants use animals

Optional: Watch the ArtHub video of how to draw a realistic plant

Science Survey

In the Google Form, pick 1 of the 4 animals that you would like to learn about


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Learning Plan Week 5


The online classroom is a busy place to be! Thanks so much to everyone helping the kids. It is awesome to see their faces on Thursday at the Google Meets where they share so much of what they have learned and what they have been doing at home.

Here is the plan for next week


Read and respond to 1 book that I picked
Raz Kids
Read and record 1 book that I picked
Words of the Week Sentence
Write 10 sentences
-        were, week, nice, green, bus
-        because, store, have, friend, inquiry special word: *water
Watch Jack Hartmann video on stories
Write a story about the picture attached in the assignment
Remember all stories have a beginning, middle, and end
Try your best to write the story by yourself – sound out your words J

Subtraction Superskills
Watch the Miss Huynh video reviewing subtracting strategies
Practice the strategies listed in the assignment
Math Problems
Try the GoogleForm focusing on word problems and creating numbers
Making 20
Watch Miss Huynh’s video on how to use this new math resource
Explore the many different ways to make 20

Living vs. Non-Living
Watch Miss Huynh video about How We Use Plants
Complete the answers listed in the assignment
Optional: Drawing
Find a picture online of your favourite plant/flower and draw it
(Ask your parents to help you because we need to be safe when we search things online)

THANKS for all that you do.
Take care. I am missing the students very much. I hope we will see each other again soon.